Rizoqulov Turaqul Rabimqulovich – deputy of rector on Science and innovation, doctor of economical sciences, professor

He was born on the 5th of March in 1972 in Buragen village (now Firdavsy) of Shahristan district. He is a Meritocracy in Education of Tajik Republic, a member of People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan. High degree diploma. Married.

In 1994 after graduating the faculty of Agrarian University of Tajikistan with an exemplarary diploma, started his pedagogical activity in Khujand State University after academician B. Gafurov.

In 1994-1995 was an assistant of the applied economy chair of economy faculty, in 1999-2000 first was a senior teacher then associate professor of finance and credit chair, and in 2000-2006 was a chief of the finance and credit chair, at the same time was vice dean on science of the economy faculty, in 2008 was a chief of finance, analyses and statistics, during 2009 – 2012 was a dean of cybernetics faculty,  in 2012 – 2014 was a chief of accountant and audit chair of the finance and market economy faculty of Khujand State University after academician B. Gafurov.

During 2014 – 2019 according the decree of Tojikmatlubot chair he was appointed the deputy director of science and innovation of the institute of economy and commerce of branch of Tajik State university of Commerce in Khujand.

From May 2019 according to the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science was appointed deputy of rector on science and education of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Policy.

In 1995 – 1998 he studied at day time postgraduate department at Khujand State University after B. Gafurov, and defended his dissertation in the Council of Tajik State National  University on the major 08.00.01 – theory of economy.

During 2006 -2008 worked as senior science worker, in 2009 defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 2010 by the decision of Russian Federation KOA he became the doctor of economical sciences.

During 2010 – 2013 was a secretary of Dissertation Council K737.002.05 in Khujand State University on economical science majors, in 2013-2016 was a member and leader of theory of economy sciences at doctoral and candidacy Dissertation Council K 737.002.05 on economical majors and 6D. KOA – 020 at Tajik State Commerce University, Dissertation Council 6D. KOA – 023 at Tajik State University of Law, Business and Policy.

Rizoqulov T. during his activity made a great share in both: in training the specialists and preparing scientific staff. 14 postgraduators and researches defended their dissertation under his supervision and 2 PHD and 9 postgraduators are doing research.

Turaqul Rabimqulovich is the author of more than 100 scientific papers, 2 mongraphies, 7 textbooks, 9 tutorial textbooks, participant of several international conferences and “International Standard of Finance” program and has his share in promotion of research in the sphere of economy and solution of macro-economy problems.

For effective educational, science and up bringing activity he is awarded with a high title of “International accountant”, Meritocracy in Education of Tajik Republic, Exemplarary diploma of Peoples Democratic Party of Tajikistan.

Electronic address: t_rizokulov@mail.ru
Cell phone: (+992) 3422 23594
The list of scientific publications:

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