To a foreign applicant


Foreign citizens with general secondary, primary, secondary and tertiary education are admitted to Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics.

Foreign citizens are admitted to the university in accordance with the mutual agreement with the University for each Location within the defined number of licenses with the tuition fees.

For Tajiks abroad the payment of tuition fee is established as a citizen of the republic. Foreign citizens, including citizens of the Commonwealth of Independent States have been admitted to the preparation course for learning language and will be transferred to the first course after the test. Preparation courses start from February to June. The deadline for foreign applicants is established annually by February. Examinations begin on August 1.

The results of the graduate examination of the higher education institutions, which are included in the official list of educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan, are considered as the result of the entrance examination.

Foreign citizens have decided to sign up with the university where the terms of education, obligations and rights of the parties are indicated.

Applicants who miss specified test date will be regarded as incomplete.

In case of dissatisfaction, the applicant has right to appeal result of  interview (if in writing) within 3 days. The appeals process is not about renewal, but only its authenticity, and the result will be indicated on the table.

Documents submitted by the applicants to the Commission

1) a personal application (application for admission) with the specified qualifications and form of education;

2) The original document of education, which is equivalent to the state educational certificates of the Republic of Tajikistan (Equity Certificate of education), with  grade (degrees), subjects studied and the grades, their translation into the state language or Russian language  by the established order;

3) Documents about general secondary education (for those applying for the 1st course);

4) Documents for full-time education, as well as a diploma on higher education or diplomas on different levels of education (for those applying for higher courses);

5) Bachelor’s diploma (or specialist) or diploma equivalent to this level of qualification (for those applying for  Master degree);

6) Diploma of Master (or Specialist) or diploma equivalent to this level of qualification (for those applying for post-graduate);

7) Candidate of science or diploma equal to this degree (for those who applying for  PhD);

8) standardized certificate of successful completion of pre-university training programs or departments of higher education are included in the official list of higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan;

9) Medical certificate specifies the absence of diagnosis of the immune system (STD) and is placed on a special note approved by the official health care official of the country;

10) Copy of passport with valid visa and valid registration (on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan);

11) Migrant card;

12) 6 photos of 3×4 size. Documents will be accepted after defining equity of their education level.

Educational visa (O-1) is given to foreign applicants, post graduators, doctors and the members of their family studying and doing research in Tajik Republic

For getting visa the following documents should be submitted:

-original foreign passport. It should contain two empty pages to put a visa on a passport and the last expiry date should be 6 months

– filled in visa form. The form should be typed or should be in distinct handwriting in Tajik, Russian, English or official language of Tajik Republic consulate, signed personally. In the case of filling in the form by international organization or non-governmental organization in the point “date and sign” (question 31) should be put signature and stamp of the chief of organization:

– receipt on state tax and consul fee;

– the last copy of Tajik Republic visa;

– medical certificate about HIV/AIDS examination from Tajik Republic or foreigners residence medical establishment;

– support letter from Tajik Republic educational establishments with a state record, student’s personal information and course;

– the copy of educational or science department of high establishment about applicant’s admission to university: bachelors, masters or PhD;

-the copy of student’s book and test book for high establishments and decision about education.    The level of consul tax.