Business and management
Candidate of economic sciences, Associate professor
Turazoda Jamshedkhon Askar
The faculty of Business and Management is considered one of the first faculties of Tajik State University of Law Business and Politics. It was established in 1993 on the basis of the Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand. It was called the faculty of Business and World Economy then.
The purpose and objectives of the faculty is to train high qualified specialists in different spheres of economy, from specialists up to the heads of executive bodies of state power and municipality.
The chairs
There are five chairs in the faculty:
1.Marketing – Agribusiness
2.Economy and Enterprise Management
3.World Economy
4.Physical Education
The faculty offers four-year bachelor’s degree according the following majors:
1-25.01.07- Economy and Enterprise Management
1-26.01.01. – Public Management
1-26.02.02- 01- Financial Management
1- – Marketing in Agro- industrial complex
1-26.02.01 – Business -Manager
1-25.01.03. – World Economy
During the period of 2000 – 2016 the faculty staff succeeded in all spheres of the university activity.
Master degree courses
Since 2013 Master degree department trains students according the following majors: 1-25-01-07 Economy and Enterprise Management; 1-26-02-02-01 Management; 1-26-02-03 Marketing; 1-25-01-03 World Economy.
The staff of the faculty
There are two doctors of science, 19 candidates, 17 of them are associate professors. There are four doctoral students, 21 post graduate students, 16 researchers. 40, 4% of the teaching staff of the faculty has academic degree.
Head of the faculty
Candidate of Economic sciences, Associate Professor
Asrorova Mavluda Abdushukurovna
E-mail :
Cell phone: +99292 775 23 79
Vice – dean for science, candidate of agriculture, Associate Professor Khujanazarova Maqsuda Imomnazarovna
Vice- dean for educational affairs – senior teacher Isoqov Murodjon Tolibjonovich.
Departments of the Faculty of Business and Management
Candidate of biological sciences, Associate professor
The department “Marketing – Agrоbusiness” was founded by the decision of the Academic Council of TGUPBP under № 9 dated 07/09/2001 and by order of the rector № 157/1 from 08/20/2001. at the faculty of Business and accounting and by order of the rector from 13.09.2002. № 164 was transferred to the faculty of Finance and Management. According to the decision of the Academic Council of TGUPBP № 10 dated 07/09/2008, at the university was established a new faculty “Innovation and Technology of Business” and from the beginning of the new 2008–2009 academic year, the Department of Marketing and Agrоbusiness was included in this faculty. Based on the decision of the Academic Council of TGUPBP from January 2013, the department again moved to the faculty of Business and Management. Highly qualified teachers of the department conduct lectures and practical classes at all six faculties of the university to train highly qualified specialists who contribute to the overall development of our republic.
The creative activity of the department is aimed at teaching students the development of academic disciplines and professionalism in the chosen specialty “Marketing in the agro-industrial complex”, “Marketing”. Information about the specialties Marketing in the agro-industrial complex, Marketing. The department “Marketing – Agrobusiness” is considered one of the leading departments of the university, which trains specialists for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. After graduation, students are qualified as “Economist” in the specialty “Marketing in the agricultural sector” and “Economist” in the specialty “Marketing”.
In the Department of Marketing – Agrobusiness, 15 teachers conduct their activities: 12 of them are full-time, 3 are part-time workers, 1 is a laboratory assistant; including – 7 full-time candidates of sciences – associate professors, 3 – senior lecturers, 3 – lecturers, 2 – assistants.
Educational – methodical work:
All members of the department conduct their research work on the scientific concept (2015–2020) on the topic: “Fundamentals of the development of environmental and economic production of agriculture”
- Azimov A.J., Soliev H.A. Educational – methodical complex for the study of the subject “Agricultural Marketing”. Khujand, TGUPBP, 2016. –P.120.
- Mirsaidov S.A., Ashurov S.Kh, Kurbonova Sh.S. Methodical manual for passing industrial – pre-diploma practice (for students of specialties 1- – Marketing in the agricultural sector; 1-26.02.03 – Marketing). Khujand, 2019. 28.3.
- Mirsaidov S.A., Ashurov S.Kh, Soliev H.A. Educational – methodical complex for the study of the subject “Agricultural Economics”. Khujand, TGUPBP, 2016. –P.149.
- Mirsaidov S.A., Ashurov S.Kh. Methodological manual for the preparation and defense of the thesis (for students of specialties 1- – Marketing in the agricultural sector; 1-26.02.03 – Marketing). Khujand, 2019. thirty.
- Mirsaidov S. A., Kadyrova N. A., Churaev G. G., Azimova M. M. Educational – methodical complex for the study of the subject “Economic geography of Tajikistan with the basics of its demography.” Khujand, Noshir, 2019. –P.232.
- Mirsaidov S.A., Kurbonova Sh.S., Azimova M.M. Educational – methodical complex for the study of Marketing. Khujand, Noshir, 2019. –P.172
- Mirsaidov SA, Sadriddinov S. “Development of the sphere of agricultural production during the years of sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan” / Monograph. Dushanbe, 2017, -S. 60.
- Mukhiddinov M., Pulatova M.Kh. Educational – methodical complex for the study of the subject of Ecology (for students of distance (distance) education). Khujand, 2018 .– P. 102.
Teachers who received state awards:
- Kodirova N.A. – awarded the title “Excellence in Public Education” (2002)
- Mukhiddinov M. – was awarded the title “Excellence in Public Education” (1997)
- Azimov A. – awarded with the Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan (2014)
- Ashurov S.Kh. – Awarded the title “Excellence in Public Education” (2001)
Graduates of the specialty of 1- – Marketing in the agricultural sector, working in the direction of the specialty:
- Atovulloev Sokihocha – a graduate of the 2009-2010 academic year, holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Matchinsks District
- Gadoyboyev Firuz – graduate of the 2009-2010 academic year – assistant of the Department of Economic Theory of Yekaterinburg State University of the Russian Federation
- Soliev Khomidjon – a graduate of the 2010-2011 academic year, works as a leading specialist in the department of quality management and monitoring of TGUPBP
- Juraboev Yorbek – a graduate of the 2010-2011 academic year, works as the head of the regional department of the microcredit organization “Arvand” in Istaravshan
- Islomov Golibjon – a graduate of the 2010-2011 academic year, is the chairman of the Abdulatif dekhkan farm
- Nurmatov Shohruz – a graduate of the 2015-2016 academic year, works as a leading specialist in the Department of Agriculture of the Sughd Region
- Iskandarov Farrukh – a graduate of the 2015-2016 academic year, a leading specialist in the State Executive Committee of B. Gafurovsk District
- Rakhimov Mirzoahmad – graduate of the 2015-2016 academic year – an entrepreneur
- Azamatov Dilshod – a graduate of the 2015-2016 academic year, works as a specialist in the dekhkan farm of Asht district
- Kurbonov Ahmad – graduate of the 2015-2016 academic year works as a leading specialist in the State Real Estate Enterprise of Zafarabad District
- Abdurahmonov Firdavs – a graduate of the 2017-2018 academic year, works as a clerk at the State Agency for Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Kalonov Oyatullo – a graduate of the 2017-2018 academic year, works as a clerk in the State Executive Committee of the Zafarabad District
- Ziyoev Muiddinjon – a graduate of the 2016-2017 academic year, works as a specialist in the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Sughd Region
- Soliev Abdulatif Abdumannonovich – a graduate of the 2016-2017 academic year, is the chairman of the Abdulatif dekhkan farm.
Head of the Department – Candidate of Economic Sciences. Associate Professor
Shamsiyev Furkat Karimovich
The of Management was founded by the decision of Scientific Council of the University №8 dated from 01.03.06 attached to Department of Management and Agrobusiness founded by order of the Rector of the University by number №6 from 19.01.04.
Reorganization of the chair afforded ground for formulating. He main purpose of its further development – setting up the body of highly qualified lectures and scientists who are able to train the managers of high standard, to solve the urgent scientific – practical problems and the strategics of achieving the goals and the ways of their realization as well.
The activity of the members of the chair is directed to improve the educational, scientific work.
The following specialists as Abdulloev Z.R., Sattorov M.S., Asrorova M.A., Zokirova Sh.M., Khodjaeva D.A. headed the chair at different periods of time. Beginning from September 2018 Normatova Sh. M. till the present time the candidate of economic science, is at the head of the chair of management. At present 16 highly qualified specialists work at the chair, 6 of them are candidates of sciences and 10 of them are lecturers.
The research works of the lecturers of the chair are aimed at researching the wide spectrum of problems connected with “Strategy of modern management in the development of the region”.
5 monographs and more than 100 scientific articles are published by the lectures of the chair, which reflect the main trends of the research work of the chair.
To provide the educational process the teachers of the chair use modern curriculums including two directions of training specialists, which became the based on modern theory and practices of management. The peculiarities of political economic and cultural lives of Tajik society are taken into consideration and reflected by lecturers of the chair in the course of their lectures. The curriculums on the educational discipline (more than 40 disciplines) the summaries of the lectures, educational-methodical supplies are regularly renovated.
The subjects of individual studies course papers and diploma works are topical and conformed to the problems of the country is enterprises in different sphere of activities and forms of property. The transition of education according. To the Balon system of education (is put into practice) and new curriculums a working programs are worked out.
The main idea of the additional process at the University on the work at the chair – is many – sided education, a particular specialty it depends on the requirements of economic reforms in our country.
Taking into account the potentialities of the library in providing the educational process with the modern educational supplies a methodical materials, chair is working at creation of electronic library, the usage of which gives the opportunity to transfer the education process to qualitative new level of development the lecturers of the chair worked out The educational – methodical supplies (complexes) in two languages (Tajik a Russian languages) according to the disciplenes:
- Management. by Oripov A.A., Shamciev F.K., Toshev T.G., Abdurahmonova B.C., (Russian)
- Management. Asrorova A.A., Shamciev F.K., Kosimova, Asisova N.H., Haddjbaeva M.A.
- The management of the organization.
- Statics.
- Economic analysis.
The above mentioned allows us to conclude that, the educational process at high level, which mats the requirement of training modern specialists to work in the condition of market economy in Tajikistan.
At present the chair prepares the students according to the following specialties:
1-26.01.01-State management (bachelor’s degree full-time a correspondence courses )
1- management (bachelor’s degree full-time education)
1-26.02.02- Management (Master’s degree)
Head of a department – Candidate of Economi Sciences, Associate professor Каrimov Ravshan Abdukarimovich
A brief history of the department
The department of world economy was organized by the decision of the Rector of 16.06.2005 in 2005 No. 78 based on department of the economic theory, the international economic relations, and diplomacy as a part of faculty of Political science, and the international relations. In February, 2013 according to the decision of the rector the department was transferred to the structure of faculty Finance, and in 2015 in the structure of faculty Business and management. The head of the department is Gozibekov Sadriddin Aslonbekovich, candidate of economic sciences.
Over the years, the department was headed by Ph.D., professor Gozibekov S.A. 1998, associate professorRakhimov A.R. 2000, doctor of Economics, professor Bobodzhonov D.D. 2005, Ph.D., associate professorShokirov R.S. 2012, doctor of Economics, professor Pulotova I.R. 2015, Ph.D., associate professorToshmatova M.D. 2018.
The department trains highly qualified specialists in the field of the international economic relations, the international business, and foreign economic activity of the enterprises.
The mission of department is the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of world economy, and the international business by development, and deployment of innovative methods in educational process.
- The list of textbooks and teaching staff of the ТМС for the period 2017-2019 was approved by the decision of the Advisory Board on MESRT.
- Senior teacher. Lecturer Abdullaeva MG, associate professorAminov D.G. Educational complex on the subject “Insurance of foreign economic relations” in the Tajik language. Khujand, TSULBP, 2018. -110 p.
- Senior teacher Abdullaeva A.T., associate professorAminov D.G. Educational complex on the subject “International economic competitiveness” in Tajik languages. Khujand, TSULBP, 2018. -139 p.
- Ph.D., Pulatova I.R., Ph.D., Toshmatova M.D., Ph.D., Aminov D.G. Educational complex on the subject “ International economic relations” in Russian. Khujand, TSULBP, 2018. – p. 384.
- Doctor of Economics, Pulatova I. R., Ph.D., Toshmatova M. D., Ph.D., Aminov D.G. Educational-methodical complex for international services in the Tajik language. Khujand, TSULBP, 2018. -139.
- C. e. s., associate professor Toshmatova M.D. guidelines for writing a bachelor’s thesis for students of the specialty 1-25.01.03 “world economy”. Khujand, TSULBP, 2018 . – 34.
- Doctor of Economics, Pulatova I.R., Ph.D., Toshmatova M.D., Ph.D., Aminov D.G. Guidelines for the passage of industrial and undergraduate practice for students of the specialty 1-25.01.03 “world economy” in Tajik and Russian. Khujand, TSULBP, 2018. –20
- Ph.D., professor Pulatova I.R., Ph.D., associate professor Toshmatova M.D., Ph.D., associate professor Aminov D.G., senior teacher Abdullaeva A., senior teacher Abdullaeva M.G., senior teacher Salomov S.B., senior teacher Tyuryaev J.A., Educational complex on the subject of the World Economy in the Tajik language, TSULBP, 2019. – P.215.
- Doctor of Economics, Pulatova I.R., Ph.D., Toshmatova M.D. Educational-methodical complex on the subject “Fundamentals of International Business” in Russian. Khujand, TSULBP, 2019. –203.
- Senior teacher Salomov SB Educational-methodical complex on the subject o “World Economy and Foreign Economic Activity” in Russian. Khujand, TSULBP, 2019 .– p.236.
- Achievements of teachers in 2018-2019 (Defense, regard, rank …)
Abdulloeva A.T. – On June 28, 2019 he defended his thesis on “Labor migration and its impact on the development of the regional labor market (on the example of the Sogd region of the Republic of Tajikistan)”
- Cooperation with foreign universities
The department of world economy actively cooperates with administration of the free economic zone of Sogd region, trade-industrial chamber of the Sogd region, Department of foreign economic relations of Executive body of the government of Sogd region, joint ventures and other subjects of managing in the directions of practical training of students, the organization of round tables, seminars and also employment of students.
- The total number of teachers, assistants, senior teachers, associate professors and professors
At department world economy conduct the activity 8 – teachers: from them 7 – regular, 1 – the part-time worker, 1 laboratory assistant; including –2 doctor of science – professor, the 2 candidate of science – associate professors, 4 – the teacher’s seniors.
- Graduates who specialize in activities.
- Khusnia Orifjonova – a graduate of the 2004-2005 academic year State inspection of the Sogd region
- Niyozov Shermamad – 2007-2008 academic year, employee of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Tajikistan.
- Bayzakov Egamberdi – graduate of the 2016-2017 academic year, specialist of the department of the Agency for State Financial Control and Anti-Corruption
- Mavlyanov Amriddinhon – academic year 2016-2017 Specialist of the Agency for State Financial Control and Anti-Corruption
- Akhmedov Nasimjon – a graduate of the 2016-2017 academic year in the Armugon shopping center
- Abdurupov Bahrom – a graduate of the 2017-2018 academic year, a leading specialist of the Executive body of state power of the Sogd region
- Umriniso Sharipova – a graduate of the academic year 2017-2018, an accountant at Star Plastics LLC, Khujand
- Ochilov Abdugani – graduate of the 2017-2018 academic year, specialist of MDO Bank Matin
- Dilangez Davlatshoeva – graduate of the 2017-2018 academic year, personnel department, Agricultural University of Tajikistan
- Karimova Guljahon – a graduate of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Tax Inspectorate of Buston
Head of the department – candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Mirzozoda Farhod Jumaboy
The Department of Customs was established at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations on the basis of the order of the Rector of the University dated June 26, 2005 No. 81 in order to ensure the effectiveness of the process of training and education, the preparation of teaching and research work and began its activities on September 1, 2005 . A great contribution to the organization and development of the department was made by Doctor of Economics, Professor A.O. Orifov. From 2005 to 2013, Professor A.O. Orifov was the head of the department. Until August 2013, this post was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yusupov D.S. Since August 2013, the department is headed by Ph.D., associate professor R.A. Karimov.In the fruitful activity of the department, the role of Orifov Abdullodzhon Orifovich as the organizer of the department is very significant. In 1968, Orifov A.O. worked as a graduate student of the department, and in 1970 – defended his thesis on the topic “Living standards (problems and considerations).” In 1986, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in Leningrad on the theme “The Struggle of Harmony”, and in 1987 received the title of “Professor”. From 2005 to 2013, he was the head of the Department of Customs at the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics. Professor Orifov A.O. He is the author of more than 500 scientific and public works, scientific articles and dissertations. Under his leadership, 13 candidates and 3 doctoral students defended their dissertations.Khadzhaev Hasan Ashurovich is also a distinguished figure of the department. Since 2001, he worked at the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics, and since 2005 is a senior lecturer in the Department of Customs. In 2011, he defended his thesis on the topic “Tajikistan in the Economic Integration of the Commonwealth of Independent States”, and since June 2012, he has a PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Department of Customs. He is the author of a monograph and more than 100 scientific, educational, educational and journalistic articles.
The main goal of the department is to train highly qualified specialists in the framework of the specialty 1-96 01 01 – “Customs Service” in accordance with the requirements of state standards for higher specialized education.
The tasks of the department are to meet the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development, to obtain higher professional education, as well as to train personnel and highly qualified specialists in the field of customs activity, to organize and conduct research work, to improve skills and professional development of employees.The department conducts classes in 20 (twenty) academic disciplines.Teachers of the department published 12 teaching aids, 3 monographs and more than 350 scientific articles.Teachers of the department published 12 teaching aids, 3 monographs and more than 350 scientific articles.
Mirzozoda Farhod Djumaboy
Personal information: Date of Birth: -07.05.1979 nationality: tajik
Tel: mob. +992 927009523
e –mail:
Kayumov Furkatjon Gaybulloevich
The Department Economy of Enterprise was established on the basis of Academic Board of University decision (№ 13 from 06.02.1996). As the achievements of the department there are a great role heads of department, as – Abdusamadov G.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor (1997-2000), Nabieva A.Y. candidate of economic sciences, docent (2000-2004), Donierov M.R., (2004-2005-2007-2010), Tojzod D.H. candidate of economic sciences, docent (2005-2006), Zokirova Sh.M. candidate of economic sciences, docent (2006-2007), Khojaeva D.A. candidate of economic sciences, docent (2010-2015), Kayumov F.G. candidate of economic sciences, docent (2015 – nowadays).
It was renamed into Economy of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship department in 1998
In 2018 year deportment renamed to Economy of Enterprise and Region.
The main purpose of the department is to train highly qualified specialists in sphere of Economics and management at Enterprises.
In accordance with the direction of the scientific-research theme of the department «Entrepreneurship – the engine of the economy: strategy for sustainable development regions of republic», nine monographs and 150 scientific articles were published dedicated to the scientific field.
Department conducts lectures and seminars in different 35 subjects. Professors-teaching staff published more than 26 scientific books.
At the moment, there are 10 teachers active worked at the department. Such as, 1 doctor of economics, professor (Boymatov A.A.) 5 candidate of economics, associate professors (Doniyorov M.R., Zokirova Sh.M.,Xayitboeva N.A., Juraev F.M. ., Kayumov F.G.) 3 senior teachers (Umarova S.I., Tursunova Z.G. and Sharipova Z.S.) 1 assistant (Raupova Sh.M).
By concurrently 1 Doctor of Economics, Professor Rizokulov T.R., 1 candidate of economics Abdulazizov R.A. and 1 candidate of economic sciences, senior teacher Isokov MT
The list of scientific works
Scientific – methodical achievements of the department over the past 3 years:
- Xayitbaeva N.A. “Improving government support and regulation of the agricultural sector in a market transformation economy” / Monography. Khujand, “Noshir”, 2018, Page. 180.
- Zokirova Sh.M., Umarova S.I., Raufova Sh.M. Educational – methodical complex on discipline of “Economy and sociology of labor.” Khujand, TSULBP, 2019. –Page.219.
- Zokirova Sh.M., Sharipova Z.S., Tursunova Z.G. Educational – methodical complex on discipline of “Economy of branches” Khujand, TSULBP, 2019. –Page.148.
- Khojaeva D.A., Xayitbaeva N.A., Raufova Sh.M., Zokirov M.A. Educational – methodical complex on discipline of “The basis of entrepreneurship.” Khujand, TSULBP, 2019. –Page.204.
- Isokov M.T. “Development of innovative processes in the livestock sub-complex” / Monography. Khujand, “Noshir”, 2019, Page 192.
- Kayumov F.G., “The role of the public sector in the transformational economy of the Republic of Tajikistan” / Monography. Khujand, “Noshir”, 2019, Page 132.
- Kayumov F.G., Juraev F.M., Zokirova Sh.M., Xayitbaeva N.A. Methodological manual for the preparation and defense of diplom works (for students of specialties 1-25.01.07 – economy and management at enterprises; 1-26.02.01 – business-administation). Khujand, 2019. Page 31.
- Kayumov F.G., Abdulazizov R.A. Methodical manual for undergoing production and before diploma practice (for students of specialties 1-25.01.07 – economy and management at enterprises; 1-26.02.01 – business-administraion). Khujand, 2019. Page 35.
Achievements of teachers of the department in 2017-2019.
- In the 2018-2019 academic year, Department Economy Enterprise and Region took third place in the university competition “Department of the Year – 2018” for high performance in various fields of activity, and was awarded a cash prize and a Certificate.
- Isokov M.T. in April 20, 2017 year he defended his dissertation on the topic “Improving the innovative mechanism for the development of livestock in the regional economy.”
- Abdullazizov R.A. 27/09/2018, he defended his dissertation on “Regional aspects of the economic efficiency of the development of stone fruit gardening (based on materials from the Sogd region of the Republic of Tajikistan)”.
- Xayitboeva N.A. In 2017, she was awarded with diploma “Scientist of the Year TSULBP”.
- Zokirova Sh.M. In 2017, for her active participation in the international conference dedicated to the “Problem of the Interaction of Public and Private Law in the Regulation of Economic Relations”, she received “Gratitude” from the rector of the State University of Economics of the Urals, Ya.P. Silina.
- Kayumov F.G. In 2017, on Teacher’s Day, received a certificate for education and a high level of training of future qualified specialists.
- Abdullazizov R.A. In 2017, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the 16th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, he was awarded a Certificate.
- Umarova S.I. In 2017 in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8 was awarded a diploma for the upbringing and high level of training of future qualified specialists.
- Sharipova Z.S. in 2017, for the active participation and the best report in the scientific and methodological conference of young scientists, doctoral students and undergraduates of the TSULBP dedicated to the “Year of Tourism and Crafts” was rewarded with a Diploma.
Graduates of the specialty 1-25.01.07 – economy and management at enterprises, working in the specialty:
- Rahmonov Shakhriyor graduate of the 1994-1998 academic year, holds the position of Deputy Head of the Agency for Financial Control and Anti-Corruption in the city of Khujand
- Ganiev Lukmon graduate of the 1995-1999 academic year, holds the position of Deputy Head of Indigo Tajikistan
- Sharipov Sukhrob graduate of the 1997-2001 academic year, holds the position of specialist in the industry department of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Azizova Parvina, graduate of the 1998-2003 academic year, holds the position of journalist on the TV channel TRK SM-1 in the television show Ormon
- Kholikov Inogbek Shodibekovich graduate of the 2001-2006 academic year, holds the position of Head of the construction department of the joint venture “Zarafshon” in the city of Panjakent
- Rajabov Zohirjon Rahmatovich graduate of the 2001-2006 academic year holds the position of chief accountant of the housing and communal services in the city of Istaravshan.
- Homidov Nozim Rozikjonovich graduate of the 2002-2007 academic year, holds the position of Executive body of state power of the Isfara district Financial Department
Nabiev Muhammadjon Inomjonovich graduate of the 2014-2018 academic year, holds the position of Executive body of state power of the Sughd region