
                                Kenjaev Shuhrat Yusufdzhonovich –
Dean of law faculty, candidate of Juridical Sciences, associate professor

The faculty of law was established in 1994 on the basis of the department of correspondence of the law faculty TSNU under the name faculty of law and international relations of the Tajik state University of law, business and politics. The first dean was candidate of Juridical Sciences, docent Soliboy Hasanov, and later the faculty was headed by candidates of Juridical Sciences, associate professors T. O. Oripov, N. A. Ghafforova, S. Sh.Boltuev, H. C. Sanginov, N. A. Akhmedov, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor M. K. Kamolov, candidates of Juridical Sciences, associate professor Sh. Yu. Kenjaev. Currently dean of the faculty is candidate of Juridical Sciences,. associate professor Sh. A. Tajibayev, associate professor Sh.Yu. Kenjaev.
The main goal of the faculty is to train leading specialists in the field of law, international law, economic law, employees of ministries and departments, law enforcement agencies, State Executive bodies and other branches of the national economy of the country. Currently, the faculty trains specialists in the specialties 1-24.01.02 –Law, 1-24.01.01 – International law, 1-24.01.03 – Economic law.
In 2019 the specialty 1-24.01.02 – Law has passed the international accreditation for a 5 years period (certificate).
The administrative Board of faculty: dean of the faculty, candidate of Juridical Sciences, associate professor Tajibaev Sh. A., deputy dean on science, candidate of Juridical Sciences, associate professor M. F. Khamidova, deputy dean for educational work, senior lecturer Jamalov S. N., the adviser Yusupova M. A., adviser of studies Rafieva A. h,, the adviser of the correspondence department Ataev C. A., senior curator Ochilova F. A.
The main goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified specialists-lawyers, judges, prosecutors and investigators, lawyers, judges, prosecutors and investigators.
The total number of teachers and lecturers of the faculty is 60, of which 1 is a doctor of science, professor, 17 candidates of science, associate professors, 30 senior teachers and 18 assistants.
Number of students of the faculty: full – time department – 1113 people, correspondence department – 499 people, distance education – 442 people, master’s student – 47 people, postgraduate student – 6 people, doctoral student- 4 people, applicant – 20 people. Graduates of the faculty work in law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan, State Executive bodies as judges, prosecutors, lawyers, investigators, notaries, legal advisers, etc.

The educational process is carried out in 27 classrooms, specialized forensic laboratories, court sessions, computer laboratories and the center for European studies.[/vc_column_text]

Departments of the Faculty of Law

Qobilov Boturkhoja Qobilkhojaevich

Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology

Chair of Criminal Law and Criminalism was established in 1996 by the order of the university rector №31. The head of the department is the candidate of legal sciences, associate professor N. Akhmedov is in custody.

The goal of establishing a department as a component of law faculty is to provide educational and educational, methodical and educational work among students and teachers.

The main objectives of the department are to organize and conduct lectures, seminars, laboratory and other educational activities in accordance with curricula; the head of the department of education, production, training, course works, diplomacy works as preparation of tests for independent students; organization and introduction of educational activities among students; development and publishing of educational programs on contemporary disciplines, elaboration of scientific thesaurus, textbooks, educational tools, methodological guides, etc.

The Department carries out research studies on preventing organized crime, including crimes related to terrorism and extremist, corruption, human trafficking, illicit drug trafficking. The faculty members and teachers of the department are taught to the following subjects: law enforcement, criminal justice, criminal justice, criminal justice, criminal justice, lawyers, crimes of terrorism and extremist; corruption offenses and so on.

Teachers of the department have been published several scientific journals, textbooks, instructional materials, methodological guides, educational and methodological education and scientific articles.

Different years in the Department of Honorary Staff of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Tajikistan P.P. Pochomulloev, H. Sanginov, NB Berdiev., F.N. Qutduddinova, veterinary law enforcement officers, Karimov., S.S. Saidov and others engaged in pedagogic activity

At the present time, the department is working in the faculty and the following teachers: associate-p. Ahmedov N.I.., А.А., Qobilov; senior teachers A.A.Jurabayev, K.I. Pullotov, N.A, Mullojonova, M.M. Karimova, M.N. Ziyobayeva, A.A. Saydulloev, M. F. Hamidova and assistants – Z.K. Umarov, S.Kh. Nematodzoda, N.M, Nodirov, R.R. Ahmedov, А.H. Rofieva Z. Aminov, and the chair of the department A.R,Mamadzhonova.

Head of the Department is  Oshilova F.A. – candidate of law, associate professor

The chair of civil and labor law was established at the chair of civil, business and international law by the decision of the Academic Council of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics (No. 10 of May 29, 2015) in order to promote the educational process of the department more effectively, teaching staff of the department since August 2016. At this stage, the head of the department is Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor G.B. Sanawarov.

The main goal and task of the department is aimed at training specialists who meet modern requirements, in the legal sphere, such as civil law, labor law, family law, land law, insurance law and environmental law.

The research area of the department includes conducting scientific and theoretical studies on the development of civil and labor rights in the context of globalization of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In this area, one of the main achievements of the department is the adoption of amendments and additions to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, the results of the research work of Associate Professor GB Sanavvarov by the Committee of the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 16, 2016, No. 298.

At the same time, the teaching and methodological activity of the department includes the publication of educational and methodological complexes, books and scientific articles. In particular, the associate professor of the department Khamidov NA, the book “Insurance Law” was published, the senior lecturer of the department AA. Abdulloev published textbooks on civil law (the second and third parts of the book), “Inheritance law”, a senior teacher FA. Ochilova published her monograph entitled “The legal status of the shareholder in the joint-stock company in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan”, the assistant of the department MA Kadirov and MA Abdurahmanova, the book “Environmental Law of the Republic of Tajikistan”, “Commentary on legal terms for land law of the Republic of Tajikistan “.

According to the curriculum the compulsory subjects of the department include: civil law, labor law, family law, land law, environmental law, insurance law, contract law, inheritance law and intellectual property law.

At present, 13 employees work at the department, 10 of which are full-time teachers, 1 external employee and 2 internal employees. These include the associate professor, the head of the department Sanavvarov GB, Associate Professor N.A. Khamidov, senior lecturers AA. Abdulloev, Sh.U. Zokirov I.Kh. Mirpochkoev, F.A. Ochilova, M.I. Abdurakhmanova, F. Shukurov, Urunov S.V. assistants of the department Kadyrov, Sh. Mukhammadousuf, Boltueva M.Y.

  1. Муртазозода Ҷ.С., Санавваров Ғ.Б., Амонов А.Ҷ. Паёмҳои Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон Эмомалӣ Раҳмон – таҳкимбахши сиёсати дохилӣ ва хориҷии Тоҷикистон (маҷмӯаи паёмҳо) – Хуҷанд: Хуросон, 2019. 604 с.
  2. Санавваров Ғ.Б., Ҳомидова М.Ф., Амонов А.Ҷ., Қодиров М.А. Ҳуқуқи экологӣ. Дастури таълимӣ. Хуҷанд. Парки технологии ДДҲБСТ. 2019. – 222 с.
  3. Қодиров М.А., Тафсири Қонуни Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон «Дар бораи маърифати экологии аҳолӣ». Хуҷанд, Хуросон, 2019 – 50с.
  4. Абдуллоев А.А., Очилова Ф.А., Болтуева М. Ҳуқуқи гражданӣ дар нақшаҳо ва мафҳумҳо. Дастури таълимӣ. Хуҷанд: «Анис». 2018. – 284 с.
  5. Қодиров М.А., Шукуров Ф.М., Абдураҳмонова М.И. Тафсири Қонуни Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон «Дар бораи маърифати экологии аҳолӣ». Душанбе.  Эр-Граф. 2018. – 175 с
  6. Қодиров М.А. Ҳуқуқи суғурта. Хуҷанд. Хуросон. 2018. – 155 с.
  7. Қодиров М.А. Абдураҳмонова М.И. Атаев А.М. Ҳуқуқи экологӣ. Дастури таълимӣ. Хуҷанд. Парки технологии ДДҲБСТ. 2017. – 129 с.
  8. Қодиров М.А. Соҳибов С.А. Шарҳи вожаҳои ҳуқуқи замин ва ҳуқуқи экологии
Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон. Душанбе. Эр-граф. 2017 – 143 с.
  1. Санавваров Ғ.Б. Ифтихорномаи Вазорати маориф ва илми Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон (2019 с); ғолиби озмуни «Олими сол-2018»;
  2. Мирпоччоеев И.Х. Ифтихорномаи Вазорати маориф ва илми Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон (2019 с);
  3. Зокиров Ш.У. Ифтихорномаи Вазорати маориф ва илми Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон (2019 с);
  4. Урўнова С.В. Аълочии маориф ва илми Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон (2017 с);
  1. Меҳрафзун Н.: (хатмкунандаи соли 2017) – иҷрочиии суди ноҳияи Деваштич вилояти Суғд;
  2. Муминова С.С.:  (хатмкунандаи соли 2017) – иҷрочии суди ноҳияи Шаҳристон, вилояти Суғд;
  3. Бойматов С. У. (хатмкунандаи соли 2017) – мутахассиси пешбари мақомоти андози н. Б.Ғафуров, вилояти Суғд;
  4. Абдуллоева М.А. (хатмкунандаи соли 2017) - мутахассиси пешбари шўъбаи қабули шаҳрвандони МИҲД вилояти Суғд;
  5.  Юлдошев Р.А. (хатмкунандаи соли 2017) – Сармуаллими кафедраи Академияи 4-уми ВКД ҶТ дар вилояти Суғд;
  6. Маҳмудова Ш.А. (хатмкунандаи соли 2017) мутахассиси мақомоти САҲШ-и вилояти Суғд.
  1. Санавваров Ғолибчон Бақоевич
  2. Абдуллоев Абдуғанӣ Алиевич
  3. Абдураҳмонова Мадина Исмоилҷоновна
  4. Очилова Фирўза Аюбовна
  5. Шукуров Фарҳодҷон Манонович
  6. Болтуева Машҳурахон Ёқубовна
  7. Шўҳратпур Муҳаммадюсуф
  8. Қодиров Мирзоқодир Аюбович

The head of the department is

candidate of law, associate professor Samadov B.O.

Department of entrepreneurial and international law was organized in 2016. Although the department is relatively young, but it includes experienced teachers of the disbanded departments of civil, entrepreneurial and international law of the TSULBP.

The department of entrepreneurial and international law carries out its activities in the fields of business, commercial, international law, as well as in related areas of law.

The teachers of the department have achieved the following scientific achievements in their professional activities:

  1. Boltuyev S. Sh. “Some measures to improve the effectiveness of the trial in the process of establishing the truth in the civil case”. – Khujand, 2002;
  2. Samadov B. O. “Legal position of an individual entrepreneur in the Republic of Tajikistan and in the Russian Federation: comparison and legal analysis”. – Khujand, 2011;
  3. Samadov B. O. “Entrepreneurial Law”, Part 1. – Khujand: Noshir, 2013;
  4. Samadov B. O. “Entrepreneurial Law”, Part 2. – Khujand: Noshir, 2014;
  5. Samadov B.O. “Responsibility in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity: state-legal regulation and practical application” – Khujand, 2014;
  6.  Soliev I.M. “Application of foreign law in the Republic of Tajikistan”. – Khujand, 2015.

The faculty includes: candidates of law, associate professors B.O. Samadov, S.Sh. Boltuev, I. Soliev, senior teachers G. Akhmedov, A.Ch. Amonov, Ch. Mansurova, M. Ziyoboeva, Kh.Kh. Kurbonova, M.A. Yusupova, assistants A.S. Ataev, M. Mirpochoyeva, B.D. Gafurova and laboratory assistant M. U. Niyozova.

  1. Самадов Б. О. Ҳуқуқи соҳибкорӣ. Китоби дарсӣ, қ. 2 (нашри дуюм). – Хуҷанд.: Ношир, 2019. Саҳ 430.
  2. Самадов Б. О., Юсупова М. А. Предпринимательское право. Учебное пособие, краткий курс. – Худжанд.: Ношир, 2019. Саҳ. 264
  3. Samadov B. O., Sanginov D. Sh. Entrepreneurial law / Предпринимательское право. Учебное пособие. – Худжанд.: Ношир, 2019. Саҳ. 236
  4. Самадов Б. О. Ҳуқуқи соҳибкорӣ. Китоби дарсӣ, қ.1 (нашри дуюм). – Хуҷанд, «Ношир», 2018. Саҳ. 520
  5. Тоҷибоев Ш. А. Налоговое право. - 2-е изд., перераб. / под общ. ред. д-ра юрид. Наук проф. Ш. М. Исмаилова. – Душанбе: Изд-во «ЭР-граф», 2018. - 604с.
  6. Болтуев С. Ш. «Ҳуқуқи соҳибкорӣ ва тиҷоратӣ». Маҷмааи маводҳои таълим. – Хуҷанд, «Ношир», 2018.
  1. Шарипов Азамат, хатмкардаи соли хониши 2017-2018 - Раёсати корҳои дохилии в. Суғд;
  2. Қаҳҳорова Маҳбуба Абдуллоҷоновна, хатмкардаи соли хониши 2018-2019- Кумитаи давлатии сармоягузорӣ ва идораи амволи давлатии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон дар ш. Душанбе;
  3. Ғаниев Набиҷон Ҳакимович – Мақомоти иҷроияи ҳокимияти давлатии в. Суғд, шўъбаи ташкили ҳуқуқӣ;
  4. Бўриев Толибҷон Пўлодҷонович, хатмкардаи соли хониши 2018-2019 - Вазорати Адлияи Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон дар в. Суғд. Раёсати иҷрои ҷазои ҷиноятӣ;
  5. Самадов Муқимҷон Деҳқонович, хатмкардаи соли хониши 2018-2019- муассиаи ислоҳии яс3/11 муовини сардор оид ба корҳои тарбиявӣ;
  6. Умаров Абдумўмин Эсонҷонович, хатмкардаи соли хониши 2018-2019- ҶДММ «Саида» экспедитор.
  7. Ҳакимов Ҳакимҷон Ғайратович, хатмкардаи соли хониши 2018-2019 - ҶДММ «Латиф» ҷонишини деректор.
  1. Самадов Бахтиёр Одилҷонович
  2. Тоҷибоев Шерозҷон Абдуҷабборович
  3. Ҳомидова Манзура Файзуллоевна
  4. Болтуев Самад Шарифбоевич
  5. Юсупова Мухбира Абдухоликовна
  6. Атаев Акмалхон Саидумарович
  7. Мансурова Жаннатой  Максудовна
  8. Рафиева Азиза Хамдамовна
  9. Ғафурова Бишарифа Дадохўҷаева
  10. Мирпочоева Мухбирахон Зикруллоевна