Republican scientific and practical conference on ” Improving anti-corruption legislation: problems and prospects”
The Founder of Peace and National unity – Leader of the nation, President of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon, in his address to the Majlisi Oli, pointed that corruption is one of the serious obstacles to the country’s sustainable development. It can lead to deterioration of the country’s reputation internationally and to dissatisfaction of citizens with the performance of public authorities. At the same time, the need to establish close links between the Internal Affairs bodies and the people was emphasized in order to achieve broad support of the population in exposing criminals.
As part of the implementation of the Leader of the Nation instructions, on February 04, 2020, a republican scientific and practical conference on “Improving anti-corruption legislation: problems and prospects” was held in the main building of the Tajik state University of law, business and politics. The conference was attended by first deputy chairman of the Khujand city Khairullo Gaybullozoda, senior assistant of Sughd region prosecutor Gulchehra Goibnazarova, employees of the Agency for state financial control and anti-corruption Of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Sughd region Kiyomiddin Nasriddinzoda and Vasilbek Nazrien, deputy chairman of the NDPT in the Sughd region Aminjon Sharifzoda, member of the public commission for combating corruption of the Sughd region Muzaffar Babajanov, representative of the Executive body of Khujand town state government Khotam Mahmudov, professor of the Tajik national University Anwar Safarzoda and teacher of the Kulyab state University Pirali Nazarzoda.
Opening of the republican scientific-practical conference, rector of University professor Mumin Sharifzoda, introduced the guests and named the conference important to implement the recommendations and instructions of the Head of country Emomali Rahmon.
In continuation of the Republican conference Anwar of Safarzoda professor, head of department of criminal law and anti-corruption of National University of Tajikistan made a report on “Topical issues of criminal law policy in the sphere of counteraction of corruption”, senior inspector of the department for prevention of corruption bureau of the Agency for state financial control and combating corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan in Sughd region Vasilbek Nazrien made a report entitled “the Role of civil society in the implementation of anti-corruption policy”, senior assistant of Sughd region prosecutor Gulchehra Goibnazarova made a report on “ The dangers of corruption to the stability and security of society,” associate professor of international law of the University Samad Boltuev made report on theme “ The Essence of corruption from the point of international law view” , senior lecturer of political science and international relations faculty Sharofiddin Soliev made a presentation on the topic “Corruption, as a phenomenon that threatens state security” and master of the first year of TSULBP Muhiba Jabborova made a report on the topic “Fight for ending corruption-an important condition for a decent life”.
It was noted that the fight against corruption is the responsibility not only of law enforcement agencies, but also of all sectors of society, every citizen, and civil society should not be neutral.
At the end of the plenary session, guests and active students were presented with symbolic gifts from the University for their active participation in the conference.
Department of analysis and public relations