Student TSULBP became the winner of Republican competition “Student of the year-2019”

The contest “Student of the year” is held annually among students of higher professional educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. This competition is held in the recommendations and instructions of the Founder of Peace and National unity – Leader of the nation, President of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon and on the initiative of the Committee for youth and sports near the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in order to find out the excellent students in the field of science, culture, self-consciousness, patriotism, their activities in political and public life.

The annual contest “Student of the year – 2019” was held in Dushanbe on December 22-23, 2019, which was attended by students of higher and professional educational institutions of the country. The competition Committee assessed the knowledge and skills of the participants according to the following criteria – performance of the  contestants (presentation using new modern techniques-slides); qualification knowledge and skills; personal achievements in the years of independence and knowledge of languages; writing an essay (in the state – tajik language) depending on the theme of the state youth policy. Summing up the points, the jury announced Dilfuza Khadzhieva the winner of the Republican contest “Student of the year-2019”.

The administration and teaching staff of the university congratulated Dilfuza Khadzhieva on her victory and wished her success in further research activities.




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