Strengthening of international relations of the University in the education level: first online seminar on “Current situation of the US economy”

On April 11, 2020, in the TSULBP European studies center was held a webinar for the TSULBP 1course students, world economy specialty on the topic ” Current situation of the US economy”, by the senior lecturer of the Metropolitan state University of Denver, USA, alumnus of TSULBP Vahobov Aziz using Zoom. In the opening of the event, vice-rector for international relations, doctor of economics professor Babadzhanov D. D. expressed gratitude to A. Vakhobov. on behalf of the administration of TSULBP, the department of world economy and the organizers of this event – the department of international relations for his contribution to the development of relations between universities of Tajikistan and the United States. This event was attended by the head of the world economy department, PhD, associate professor Toshmatova M., associate professor Aminov D., associate professor Alidjonova S. senior teacher Abdulloeva A. and 1st year students of the specialty world economy of TSULBP. During the webinar the topic of the global crisis and its impact on the US economy was touched upon. The students asked Vahobov A. questions about the current economic situation in the world and the United States, which were given exhaustive answers. It should be noted that such events are very useful for improving the level and quality of training, introducing it to the world educational space and establishing fruitful relations with highly qualified specialists from abroad.




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