Achievements of TSULBP Students within the framework of “Access to Justice” Project of the United Nations Development Program

On December 12, 2024, within the framework of  “Access to Justice” project of the United Nations Development Program and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, faculty members of the Law Faculty, Associate Professors Homidova M.F. and Ziyoboeva M.N., together with students of the faculty, 4th-year students Shokirov Farrukh, Jumaboev Siyovush, Buriev Kishvar, Shuhratzo Tabassum, Nazarzoda Zarrina, Kushneruk Elizaveta, Boboeva Jasmin, 3rd-year students Sattorova Adiba, Abdulloeva Marvorid, and 2nd-year student Khojiev Muhammadali participated in “National Judicial Role-Playing Game” held in Dushanbe city, winning first place and receiving the prize for the “Best Oral Presentation”. The “National Judicial Role-Playing Game” involved 6 universities from the country, including Tajik National University, Russian-Tajik Slavonic University, Bokhtar State University, Dushanbe State University, and Khujand State University. It is worth mentioning that the legal knowledge and professional skills of  law students were evaluated by judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan: Inoyatullo Ghulomzoda, Matin Bobozoda, and Temur Khafizoda.

It should also be noted that 4th-year student of the Law Faculty, Shokirov Farrukh, was awarded the prize based on the joint conclusion of the jury in the “Students with the Most Achievements” nomination.

Thus, TSULBP student team won two awards, being selected as “Students with the Most Achievements” award from each university, and our university’s students received the prize for the “Best Oral Presentation.”

                                                                                       Department of Analysis and Public Relations


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