Raising Legal Awareness as a Main Factor in Combating Corruption

Within the framework of the week of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminatistics and Anti-Corruption at Tajik State University of Law, Business, and Politics, a regional scientific-practical conference was held under the title “Raising Legal Awareness as the Main Factor in Combating Corruption.” The conference was opened by the rector of the university, doctor of economic sciences, Khoshimzoda Homid Hasan, who spoke about corruption as a harmful and dangerous phenomenon for society. He emphasized that in order to prevent corrupt actions and create an intolerant atmosphere towards it, the whole society must be actively involved. At the university, comprehensive measures are being implemented to carry out the State Strategy for Combating Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030. The main goal of today’s conference is to develop scientifically grounded proposals and recommendations for preventing and reducing corruption-related crimes.

The conference featured presentations by Khamza Hakimzoda Karimi, head of anti-corruption department of the State Financial Control and Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Tajikistan in Sughd region, Deputy Colonel of Justice, on the topic “Corruption as a Social Negative Phenomenon and Measures to Combat It,” Nozim Mahmud Isosoda, senior specialist of the legal aid and public relations department of Justice department of Sughd region, on the topic “State Strategy for Combating Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for the Period up to 2030,” Mehriddin Sadriddin Ghafuri, PhD in law, Associate Professor, head of Faculty No. 4 of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel of Police, on the topic “Implementation and Realization of the Norms of Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan ‘On Combating Corruption,’” Kirommidin Tajiddin Mukhtorzoda, PhD in law, Associate Professor, head of the Law chair at the Tajik State University of Khujand named after academician Bobojon Gafurov, on the topic “Measures to Prevent Corruption-Related Crimes in Healthcare,” Firdavs Ilkhomovich Akilov, PhD in law, Associate professor, head of the Law and International Relations chair at Khujand International Institute of Tajik International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship, on the topic “National and International Documents on Combating Corruption.” The conference was concluded with analysis, discussion, and a question-and-answer session among participants.

                                                                                    Department of Analysis and Public Relations

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