Department of Analysis and Public Relations

 Karimov Aslamjon Azamjonovich – head of analysis and public relations department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Analysis and Public Relations department, previously known as an Information-Analytical Center, changed its name to its current title under No. 40 on January 29, 2016, according to an order of the university rector. The department has been operating since September 2012. On the basis of Regulations approved by decision of Scientific Council of TSULBP dated from 20.09.2012, No. 1, department conducts its activities in accordance with a normative and legal documents in the field of information, higher education, implementation of the government’s policy in the field of education, promotion of spiritual and cultural values, in the spirit of patriotism, raising self-awareness of young people, expansion of an information space, strengthening of relations with mass media, attracting them for comprehensive reflect of university achievements and progress, raising cultural level, promoting best practice, expanding cooperation between the university and family, organizations and enterprises.

Department of analysis and relations with society is established to promote the level of students education and training, analysis of university structures activity, study and analysis of public opinion, strengthening of university relationship with society and mass media, timely compliance and effective implementation of regulatory and legal acts, laws, state programs, strategies, concepts, timely implementation of orders, decisions and issues related to education and training, science are under the control, analysis and results of this department.

Broadcasting topics of university’s activities, achievements through state and private televisions, publishing news and articles about university’s activities on the pages of local and national periodicals, providing university’s website with comprehensive materials on new events of scientific and educational life and upbringing and cultural activities, recording and filming process of events and development of television programs, analysis and results of implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the application of natural and legal persons”, decisions of the Scientific Council and meetings of the university board are considered to be areas of department activity.

The staff of the department: head of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Karimov A.A., chief specialist, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Atamuloeva M.A., chief specialist Rizoeva GA. specialist Sharifova S.E., videographer Negmatov R.R.

Telephone: 8(3422) 2-17-15.