Academic Council

Todzhzod Daler Hamropur – the chief of educational department – Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

The purpose of Department on education is creation of purposeful educational process at university according their majors, main steps and educational problems which promote systematic process of training at university, its development and practical application of new training methods practiced in republican and in world educational institutions. The special attention is paid to system of educational process by a method of credit system training at university, to implementation of important scientific technical innovations, application of  modern scientific technologies necessary in the course of training. Assistance in finding of progressive methods of training for a large number of students concerning development of subject matters and increase of their motivation, also creating favorable conditions for training of students and work of teachers in use of modern technologies, applicable in domestic educational institutions and abroad, and also constant strengthening of external university relations. Effective introduction of a credit system education and development of teachers’ creative abilities, improvement teaching quality, assistance in strengthening mental capacities   and scientific resources at university.

The material and technical resources of educational process are strengthened. 673 computers, 46 laptops, 194 printers, 170 UPSes, 108 projectors, 26 electronic boards, 28 TVs, 15 screen projectors and 128 observing cameras  are installed and used.

The total number of students are 7050 from which 4447 – students of a full-time department, and 2403 – correspondence courses and distance learning. The total number of foreign students are 255.

334 teachers, including 16 doctors and 124 candidates of science, 112 senior teachers and 82 assistants are involved in educational and research university.

Control over university educational process is exercised by means of ALFA XPress program which defines gradual and total estimates results and results of students progress.

Working phone number: 2-63-46.

The list of scientific publications

Center for registration and consulting

Thus, in the subsequent of academic years, step by step, all other specialties of the university were transferred to the credit system of education.

The registration and consultation center is an office that provides services for the registration of all forms of educational activities and the achievements of students during their studies. The responsibility of this office includes all types of control based on the results of students training and determining their academic ratings.

According to the regulations on the credit system of education in higher professional educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan, the function of the registration and consultation center consists of the following:

– preparation the samples of different documentation for students and teachers according to working and individual work plans;

-organization of student’s registration and symbolic designation for the whole year, as well as teachers for studying compulsory and elective subjects with the help of advisers;

-creation and control of academic calendars observance;

-organization and control over the implementation of score-rating types of evaluation during the educational and examination process;

– academic groups and lecture streams development based on the results of registrations and the choose of elective disciplines;

-control the flow of current, boundary and final controls;

– providing students with the necessary regulatory documents;

– completion of personal study sheets for students;

– summarizing the results of the final and final control of subjects, determining the ranking of students and providing it to the deans of faculties for analysis and further actions;

– at the end of each semester, the definition of the average GPA of each student and their compliance with accepted standards;

– providing information to the deans of faculties and the head of the training unit for analysis and taking further action to students who received grades Ғ, according with GPA which are below the accepted standards;

-organization of the summer semester and summing up its results;

– preparation of transcripts (academic certificates, diploma applications) for each student;

-official registration and introduction of changes in individual plans of students up to a certain period;

– preparation of the order of admission to the examination session on the basis of rating tests;

– preparation of the draft order for transfer from the course to the course on the basis of the results of the examination session and the level of the GPA;

– organization of the summer and winter examination sessions;

– systematize the transcript (academic sheet, diploma application) for each student.

 Education quality management and monitoring department

In accordance with the Republic of Tajikistan Minister of Education order dated 15.03.2007 No. 303, Education quality control sector was established in TSUPBP. Today, this sector has been reorganized into Education quality management and monitoring department.

The Department implements its activities on the basis of the existing laws of the Republic of Tajikistan, normative legal acts in the educational system, normative documents of the state control service in the educational sphere, orders of the rector and the university charter, decisions of the Academic Council and regulations on the department. the main purpose of the Education quality management and monitoring department are: improving the quality of education in TSUPBP, training of highly qualified specialists, competitive in the labor market.

the main tasks of the Department are:

– organization and implementation of quality of education managing measures, monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the teaching quality;

– supervision and provision of methodological recommendations on the effective usage of innovative technologies in education, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education, training programs (curriculums);

– exam questions quality control and their compliance with the curriculum;

– participation in teachers lectures and practical classes in order to analyze the teaching quality;

– departments documentation status checking;

– students ‘ knowledge testing and evaluation;

– monitoring the quality of questionnaires given to students;

– textbooks, teaching materials, glossaries, teaching and demonstration materials inspection;

– organization and holding of seminars, round tables to improve the professional skills of teachers.

In order to disseminate best practices, the Department, with the of Analyze and public relations department, regularly organizes University teachers open and demonstration classes; analyzes and discusses methodological content on the University television channel, which allows all University teachers, especially young ones, to study the methodology of professional development and provide high-level training.

Department stuff: Head of department, associate professor Akhmedov Rahmathuja, senior specialist Marofieva Sabohat Halikovna and specialist Soliev Homidjon Abdumannonovich.

Scientific publications:

Statement EQMMD

Training level and quality Indicators

The head of the department, candidate of economics, associate professor

Karimov Mirzobahodour Kadyrovich


In accordance with constructive policy of the Leader of Nation, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his excellency Emomali Rahmon, a number of important Government initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan are being undertaken to improve the quality of education. The State Institution “National Test Center”,  is aimed at creating conditions for conducting centralized entrance examinations to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The preparatory course department of Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics was established on the basis of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan decree.

The preparatory course department is organized to improve the general level of youth education and preparation for admission to country higher educational institutions based on self-assessment, admission plan is determined by the decision of university scientific council. The training process is conducted daily in Tajik and Russian for six months.

The purpose of TSULBP preparatory course department is to prepare graduates of secondary schools for successful passing the entrance examinations at the National Test Center for 5 clusters: First – Natural science and technical cluster, Second-economic and geographical cluster, Third – Philology, Pedagogy and Art, Forth – Sociology and law, Fifth- Natural Sciences, biology and sports cluster.

Currently, more than 20 teachers from the university faculty conduct classes in preparatory course department using preparatory material samples obtained from the official site of the National Test Center.

To preparatory course department graduates of general education schools are accepted, as well as students of secondary schools of 11th grade, applicants are accepted based on a conducted interview, according rector’s order. Over the last three years, more than 450 graduates have entered country higher education institutions and abroad.

University can provide a place of residence in the university hostel for students from rural districts, based on its possibilities.

Internship department and working with young specialists

The activity of Internship department and working with young specialists realizes it’s activity on the base of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About Education” from  22.VII.2013, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About the Higher Professional Education and Professional Education after the higher education” from the 19th of May 2009 year and other normative legal statements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the statute of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics and the regulation of Internship department and working with young specialists.

If we look at the history of the department, Internship department and working with youth was headed by different specialists in various period: A.Mavlyanov  in 1994-1995, I. Ahmedov in 1995-1997, I. Boyniyazov in 1997-1998 years, A.Komilov in 1998-2002 years, S.Ashurov in 2000-2007 years, M.Karimov in 2007, D.S.Yusupov in 2015-2016 and they made a valuable contribution to promotion of this department. Since September, 2016 and now M.Majidzoda is the head of Internship Department and working with young specialists of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics.

The department facilitates the training of the highly trained specialists, applying and checking theoretical part of the learnt materials on practice.

The main directions of the department’s activity:

– according to plan and educational program organizing and realizing all kinds of learning experiences;

– preparing methodical materials and instructions according to organizing and conducting the students’ internship(magistracy)

– preparing project of the agreements according cooperation and holding meetings and negotiation with the state structures, enterprises, organizations and institutions about organizing and conducting students’ internship (magistracy);

– managing the system of students’ temporary work (magistracy), contributing to provide the working places of graduators;

– making arrangements on organizing and realizing practice of individual students (magistracy) in international organizations and enterprises;

– organizing cooperation with the state body on population employment, state structures, enterprises, and institutions with the purpose of providing graduates with fitting works.

The administration of Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics with the purpose of conducting internship in a high level, using all opportunities, organizes students’ internship in the executive body of state power, consulates, legislative bodies, notary’s bureau, credit and financial organizations, including in the General prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Administration of Sughd region custom service, Central administration of Sughd region agriculture department, the branch of SUO “Tajik Insurance Company” of Sughd region, administration of the migration service of the Ministry of Labour, migration and employment of Tajik Republic in Sughd region, the Executive committee of people’s democratic party of Tajikistan in Sughd region, the Union of consumers’ organizations of Sughd region, the Branch of  OJSC “Tajiktelecom” zone #10 Khujand town, OLR MFDO “Matin” Khujand town, the Branch of the OJSC “Agroinvestbank” in Sughd region and all in all more than 90 organizations and enterprises of different forms of property signed the mutual agreements.

The chief of Test Center is associate professor Mayunusov Donish Fazliddinovich

University test center was founded on February 2014 with the purpose of organizing testing of student’s knowledge transparent by the means of modern information technologies.

The target and main duties of the test center are:

  • To estimate the students’ level of knowledge automatically;


To provide all participants of educational process with information on assimilation of the training program of university specialties;

  • ensuring reality at an assessment of knowledge;
  • Check progress of students in development of the training program.
  • Improvement and standardization of tools for mass research;
  • methodical ensuring development of test questionnaires;
  • to develop methodical and technical support of the centralized examination process;
  • to organize and carry out the centralized examinations;
  • To develop the schedule of the centralized control with the indication of a subject, beginning and the end of examinations, and also the list of examiners.
  • Carrying out the analysis of results of the centralized monitoring;
  • Development of computer model of test questionnaires (in Russian and Tajik languages) and necessary documentation for process of control testing;

According to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan from 18.02.2014 No. 05/2-681 the current exams for day time and correspondence students, final examinations in specialties of innovations and telecommunications, accounting and  taxation faculties are held in the university Center of testing. Testing is organized and is carried out by means of  ALFA-XPress program.

Testing center and all university chairs work on development and representation of test materials, with department of education – on planning of the centralized examinations (graphics), with faculties – on the organization of centralized examinations at faculties, with department of innovative technologies – on network aspects – technical expertize of the centralized examinations with legal department – about normative documents and ​​ observance of legal acts, with department of innovative development of university – about cooperation with  ALFA-XPress program and test modules.

Specialists of the center are: Shamsiyev Abdumazhid Azizovich, Zokirov Makhkamzhon Akhmedovich, and the programmer Kayumov Abdukayum Abdurozikovich.

The list of scientific publications